Invited Lectures

  • 2022

    ‘Rights to health – ideals and practices’ Public health and Migration, Centre for Global Migration Studies University of Göttingen, 23 June

  • 2022

    ’Resisting racism in healthcare’ at ‘100 years later: a seminar on the opportunities and challenges in (if) studying health and racism among Indigenous Sámi and other minorities in Sweden’. Lávvuo — Research and Education for Sámi Health at Epidemiology and Global Health, Umeå University, 15 March

  • 2022

    ’Olika bakgrund — samma bemötande’, medicinska fakulteten och nämnden för jämställdhets och likabehandlingsfrågor, (‘Different background, same treatment’) Medical faculty and the board for equality and equal opportunities, Lund University, 10 February

  • 2021

    ‘Can we provide equality in medicine?’ Equity and equality in education and medicine. Winter School, University of Tartu 17 November

  • 2021

    ‘Diversity and discrimination in health care’ Health & Globalisation Summer School, University of Ghent, 13 July

  • 2021

    ‘Why urgent human problems need interdisciplinary thinking or why epistemological pluralism matters’ Doctoral Seminar on the Sociology of the Social Sciences and the Humanities, Faculty of Educational Science, Uppsala University, 29 September

  • 2021

    Sarah Hamed, Hannah Bradby, Beth Maina-Ahlberg, Suruchi Thapar Björkert ‘Rasism inom hälso-och sjukvården: utveckling och implementering av antirasistiska strategier genom gemensam kunskapsproduktion och utvärdering’ (Racism in healthcare: development and implementation of antiracist strategies) Region Uppsalas beredning för demokrati, jämställdhet och integration (Uppsala Region’s preparatory committee for democracy, equality and integration) 16 February

  • 2020

    Sarah Hamed, Hannah Bradby, Beth Maina-Ahlberg, Suruchi Thapar Björkert, ‘Organisational responses and individual coping strategies to racism in Swedish healthcare’ at Racism in German Healthcare — how to talk about it? Interdisciplinary questions connecting perspectives from research and practice.’ ZiF Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Bielefeld University, Germany, 14-16 September

  • 2020

    Hannah Bradby participates in, ‘“Not my field”: The importance of interdisciplinarity in the pandemic era’ a webinar chaired by Professor David Gellner, hosted by Human Sciences Institute, University of Oxford, 8 October 2020’.
    [video available on YouTube, HB talks about 'The urgency of interdisciplinarity' from 16:15 to 21:20].

  • 2020

    Hannah Bradby, webinar, ‘Strukturell rasism och folkhälsa’ or ‘Structural racism and public health’ at Svenska Läkaresällskapet, 26 August 2020’.
    [video available on YouTube, HB speaks at 26:30—37:20].

  • 2020

    ‘Social costs of COVID-19 lockdown & social distancing’ at FrontiersIn, 21 April 2020’.
    [video available on YouTube].

  • 2019

    Hannah Bradby, Stephani Hatch, Beth Ahlberg, Sarah Hamed, ‘Racism in healthcare’ at Mänsliga rättighetsdagarna: Rätten till hälsa, Human Rights Days: The right to health, Linköping, 14-16 November’.
    [video available on YouTube, HB et al speak at 05:44:12–07:20:22]. [local copy to follow]

  • 2019

    Phillimore, Bradby, Brand, Padilla, & Pemberton. ‘UPWEB - The Welfare Bricolage Project’ 8 February 2019
    [video available on YouTube].

  • 2019

    Hannah Bradby, ‘Universal healthcare access in an era of migration.’ Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, 13 February 2019, one of the ‘Stockholm Public Health Lectures.’

  • 2018

    ‘Migration, Ethnicity, Vulnerability: The Health Politics of Difference’.
    [video available on Vimeo, HB speaks at 30:10–55:35]. BSA Medical Sociology 2018 Plenary Panel on 13 September 2018. [local copy]

  • 2018

    ‘Ideals and practices — migration meets healthcare’ Old Tensions, Emerging Paradoxes in Health: rights, knowledge, and trust’ ESHMS conference June 6–8 Lisbon

  • 2018

    ‘What do migrants and minorities mean for healthcare practice?’ International Health Day, Hochschule für Gesundheit – University of Applied Sciences, Bochum, Germany, 15th-17th May

  • 2017

    ‘Invisible work: Informal, cross-cultural, gendered work filling the gaps of national health and welfare provision’ Exhausted Women - Exhausted Welfare: Religion and minorities in the transformations of gender and welfare. Nordic consortium conference, Religion and Society Research Centre, Uppsala University, 23-24 November.

  • 2017

    ‘Past problems and the future of ethnicity and health research’ Making a Difference: Ethnicity and race in health research. Department of Health, Ethics and Society, Care and Public Health Research Institute, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht University, Netherlands, 20th June

  • 2015

    Hannah Bradby, ‘What Use is a Sociology of Health and Medicine?’ inaugural lecture as professor, Uppsala University, 13 November

  • 2010

    ‘Health and suffering’ stream plenary speaker. British Sociological Association Conference. 7th April, Glasgow Caledonian University.